Monday, March 30, 2015

Travels to Berlin

On the train
Stasi Propaganda in a stadium "friends"
This morning we were in Leipzig, and now we are in Berlin.  Before we left, we saw a museum of the Stasi, the East German secret police.  It showed how they were oppressing the people by spying on them (they would open their mail, listen in on phone conversations, and even plant video cameras in people's apartments). The Stasi also organized propaganda displays all over East Germany.

After that, we went to another museum about the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) and what life was like in East Germany between World War II and the late 1980s when the Berlin Wall fell.  This museum showed how life in East Germany was totally controlled by President Erich Honecker and the other communist leaders.

When we needed to get on our train to Berlin, we said goodbye to our friends in Leipzig and got on a train which traveled about 200 km/h.  That's about 124 mph. It took us about an hour to get from Leipzig to Berlin, and when we arrived, we met up with my mother's cousin, his wife, and youngest son.

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